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Bobby Klein Over the Years

How much time did we spend like this, hanging out, playing with the cameras, shooting the shit… At your house or the office, in the jungle or the beach, we were just two kindred soul photographers who shared the same roots and stories from the edge. It’s been a few days since your departure and i keep searching the skies for some kind of a message from you. I’m looking through the archives of all the images we made together, crying because precious as they are they can’t replace the you I lost… You were one of a kind and precious to so many, until the end scheming some epic next move, always current and refreshingly unapologetic. I just really thought you’d live forever, you know? Perhaps that’s why it hurts so much I didn’t even get to say goodbye… I miss you and will hold you in my heart forever with love and gratitude as I release you into the great Unknown. Have a sweet journey home, my homie, Bobby Klein.


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