Hanal Pixán 2013 – Abandoned Hacienda Expo

Couple of weeks ago, during Mexico’s Day of the Dead weekend I was visiting my two photographer friends – Masha Osipova and Mauricio Palos – in Merida, Yucatán. We decided to play a 24-hour game. The objective was to: 1. Conceive of an idea for a photo-shoot using historically or culturally significant location We scouted Merida’s incredible abandoned haciendas left over […]
Introducing Masha Osipova

What happens when you put a photographer in front of the camera? Well, very good things. Especially when the subject is a documentary photographer Masha Osipova. Born in Moscow and grown up in Amsterdam, this talented young lady moved to Mexico with a heartfelt mission and a unique perspective. Among several intriguing projects, Masha’s long-term […]