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Posts Tagged ‘Ocean’

Return to Sian Ka’an Lagoons

From the streets of NYC straight into the tangled jungles of Sian Ka’an biosphere… Admittedly, the transition was rough at times, but in the end came relief of knowing I can handle my extremes. And for that I’m grateful.

Baja Waves: Baja California Sur, Mexico

Sky. Desert. Ocean. All along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur in Mexico, I was fascinated to watch the sheer raw strength with which the ocean continuously beat itself against the earth. I took my time studying the powerful waves, and the closer I observed them, the more beautiful details they revealed. From the […]

Cactus Land: Baja California Sur, Mexico

Cactus = Cactuses = Cacti. All for one and one for all, in my imagination cactus plants are like infantrymen. They live in the most difficult and desolate environments and make due with whatever scarse water resources the desert provides. In the Mexican state of Baja California Sur there’s virtually no rain fall throughout the […]