Caribbean Storms

The annual hurricane season on Mexico’s Caribbean coast is thankfully long over. Quite the opposite, as my friend Marcos from Chiapas just informed me, the entire Yucatan peninsula is now well-immersed into the season of ‘secas’ or droughts. Nonetheless, lately I find myself missing the heavy storms and weeklong rains passing through. Perhaps my recent […]
Under the Weather: Isla Holbox, Mexico

During my recent trip to Isla Holbox, in Quintana Roo, Mexico, I was reminded just how extremely the weather and consequent mood fluctuations can tint perception of reality. From seemingly endless rain of the trip’s first half, then brilliant sunlight of the second, my time on this mysterious, hurricane-beaten island was marked by an emotional […]
Karuna Sky: Nayarit, Mexico

While staying true to my beloved photo-tradition of observing daily changes in the sky, I approached this project much more rigorously than my previous ‘Tulum Sunsets’ series. Namely, I treated it like a scientist would treat an experiment, controlling for all variables except my main subject – the sky. Depending on weather conditions, I narrowed […]